Perishable Goods Packaging
Packaging is a basic parameter in regards to various product designs, due to its role to protect and preserve after production and during storage and distribution. An additional goal is to provide information and guarantees for the quality and safety of use. In the present time, the traditional role of packaging has been altered. From a neutral product cover in the past, it has now become a fundamental factor for a product’s success. Especially in the Pharmaceutical and Food Industries, packaging plays a decisive role in the overall quality and safety of the final product.

by Pavlos Seisopoulos*

Such products are packed within many packaging layers. According to this fact, we call primary packaging the one that comes into direct contact with the product (vials, blister packs, etc.). Secondary packaging is the layer above the previous (single boxes, labels) and tertiary packaging the one to use when a group shipment is made (carton boxes, isothermal boxes, gel packs etc.)

In the primary packaging, compatibility between product and container must be achieved, as well as protection by alterations so that the product’s lifespan will be kept.
In secondary packaging, the goal is to provide all necessary information in order to avoid errors in the use of the product, by means of label and box marking.
In the tertiary packaging, we need to ensure the product’s safety from undesired temperature or improper handling during transportation, in order for the product to reach the end user safely.
Tertiary packaging in general, is the objective of many companies. Those companies vary a lot in terms of size and activity.

The companies dealing with Temperature Controlled packaging, require the use of materials with low thermal conductance, like PE foam, expanded polystyrene (EPS), extruded polystyrene (XPS) and polyurethane (PUR).


(Low thermal conductance = High insulation performance)


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