Cool chain logistics is the unique and unbreakable system of measures and procedures that should be undertaken and strictly observed while storing, transporting various pharmaceutical and biological products , vaccines, blood components (further – thermo labile products) in the appropriate temperature conditions on its way from producers to consumers.
Strict necessity to observe the appropriate norms has grown from the fact that all these thermo labile products require strict temperature conditions not only in the warehouse, but also during transportation. If only one of the partners within the unique supply cool chain does not observe the required temperature regime the total efficiency of the supply chain becomes equal to zero, because the quality of the thermo labile products has been damaged and cannot be restored. In such circumstances the necessity to work in line with the strict international standards for storage, transportation and unstoppable control over the temperature regime at the every stage of the supply chain of pharmaceutical products shipped in thermo containers or refrigerators from producer and delivered to consumer becomes significantly important.
Astra Logistic Ltd. maintains the certified HUB and operates transport vehicles which are equipped with special devices allowing to observe complete control over the temperature regime in accordance with the highest EU standards.